Friday, 29 June 2012

The Dummy Fairy Workshop is on holidays for two weeks.  Have one more kit to make today before flying off to Dubai for work.  :-)

Friday, 22 June 2012

I am always excited to receive another reply card in the post from a child who is prepared to donate their dummy to The Dummy Fairy Workshop.  It's all part of the process, but normally, after sending out our Magical Bits 'n' Bobs Kit to an unsuspecting child (mwa ah ah, evil laugh!!!), the child scribbles on the reply card and sends it back.  How FABULOUS today to not only receive one little girl's reply card, but one of her DUMMIES was inside also.   It really made me smile.Thank you Amy.  You made my day.

Have a great weekend.  

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

What a wonderful weekend.  Nothing better to do when it's raining than packing Fairy Dust into wee bags for my wee clients.
Two new orders this week to complete.  Each order is so individual.  Personalising each kit is what makes it so special for me.  Imagining the kiddie's face when Mummy or Daddy reads the letter.  "How does the Dummy Fairy possibly know so much about me?"   I remember my son's visit from The Dummy Fairy like it was yesterday.
I will never tire of doing this.

Have a great week.
Ali :-)